Delayed by Mary Chris Escobar

Delayed by Mary Chris Escobar

Carolyn’s life has gone pretty much according to plan. She’s followed all the rules. Her star is rising at work, her boyfriend is amazing and she lives in a perfectly decorated apartment. A delayed flight throws her life and plans off schedule. What she learns, stuck overnight in the airport, has her questioning everything and puts her face to face with her own missed connection.

Hey! Here's my review.

This is the second book I've read by Mary Chris Escobar. I was delighted to revisit some of the characters from Neverending Beginnings and get to know them better. This was a light, fun, romantic novella without the magical element from the first book. I love the writing style and stayed engaged the whole way through the story. I've always vowed not to give a guy a second chance, so i'm always interested to see if an ex boyfriend can redeem himself enough for a second chance.

I devoured this novella while on holiday, and felt glad that our flight hadn't been delayed, though we almost missed it on the way home. Somehow I think being stranded in an airport with my hubby and two small children might not have been quite as much fun.


  • Where: Kobo
  • Format: ebook

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