NetGalley vs local library - round 1

NetGalley vs local library - round 1

Hey Everyone!

So the clock was ticking. The buddy read date was looming, two book requests in, but no book. My pro freeding attitude had me waiting until the last minute before handing over any money to buy a copy. Tick....tick....tick...and the winner is.......local library, with the bonus of a few days to spare before the buddy read started. +NetGalley did come through in the end, just in time for the last days questions on the buddy read. The book in question was:

Cop TownCop Town by Karin Slaughter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is set in Atlanta in 1974. The author has done a lot of research on what it was like in that time and reading this book I felt like I was stepping right into the city and experiencing it all. Atlanta was rife with sexism, racism, homophobia, violence and corrupt cops. This is all portrayed so well that the descriptions and derogatory language used made me feel uncomfortable.

The story focusses around Kate, a new recruit in her first week on the job. The big case at this time is a cop killer.

Honestly, not worth all the angst I felt waiting for it. You can find the Book of the Month (BOM)  buddy read discussion in the NBRC group on Goodreads. I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Where: Local library request and NetGalley
  • Format: Paperback and ebook
This book is available to purchase from Amazon here:  Cop Town: A Novel