Freeding via Author Invitation

Freeding via Author Invitation

Hey everyone!

I don't usually go for horror when I'm looking for something to read. This year I reached alpha male burnout, so decided to try a couple of Zombie books to shake things up a bit. I surprised myself by how much I enjoyed them. After posting my review of Induction yesterday, the author, +Shana Festa , contacted me via Facebook to offer me the next book in the series, if I was interested. Meanwhile another author, +Stevie Kopas , found this blog and contacted me via gmail to see if I would be interested in reviewing her Zombie series. I said yes to both (my first personal author invitations - both on the same day). Lock the doors and turn out the lights....well maybe leave one on so I don't get scared....I'm in for a Zombie fest!

I was about to post a zombie image, but they all freaked me out too much! My imagination isn't quite that graphic. So here are some bottles of water, because you can't fight off zombies if you're dehydrated ;)